Saturday, 16 December 2023



Be brave. 

Be strange.

Be completely useless.

Be a wonderful mess

Be a thing without a function

Be a complicated story that keeps re-beginning

Where the heroes and villains

Just keep changing and shifting

Where the themes get all tangled like Christmas tree lights

Try to find the end 

And you’ll be up all night

Be a painting that people might fairly assume

Was a drawing by a child 

Reflected in a spoon

Be a song to which no earthly being is dancing

That won’t ever get slowed down 

And rearranged for an advert

Be a poem that offers nonsense

Not advice

Just vibrations of the long fluffy 

Strings in your mind

Be a sculpture that dances and wobbles and stretches

Be a canvas that simply won’t stop at the edges

Be mad, be colourful, 

Be ineffectual

Be arbitrary and weird and conceptual

Be a thing that you wouldn’t even 

Really call ‘art’,

Made of tangents and gaps and great big question marks

Juxtapositions throwing flamingo shapes

Broken arpeggios on old cassette tapes

Be brave. 

Be strange.

Be completely useless.

Be a wonderful mess

Be unfinished

Be truthful

Be the beautiful things I fail, 

Every day,

To be 

And when you do it

Come here

And throw your foolish arms 

Around me


  1. I will throw my arms around you any time. I am foolish most of the time.
