Thursday 3 March 2011

Flowers for Jennifer

Another old video, this one from a couple of years ago.

I was trying to demonstrate some basic visual language techniques for my students, so I decided to make a very short film using a bunch of editing and filming methods, most of them stolen from '28 Days Later'.

The filming, involving my good friends Gav, Lisa and Beccy, took one very happy morning to film and a slightly more rigorous afternoon to edit. I'm quite pleased with the results.

One of the after effects I quite enjoyed was that Lisa - zombie Jennifer in the film - had a date that night and only discovered after filming that fake blood stains your face for hours afterwards. I'm pretty sure that I let her keep the flowers too. This creates a happy picture in my head of her date turning up to find her with a big bunch of flowers and all the evidence of stubble rash.

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